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Coconut Latte

  • 100 g coconut sugar
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • 60 ml water
  • 1/2 tsp. coconut extract   
  • 1 espresso
  • 1-2 tbsp. coconut syrup
  • 100 g milk froth
  • Coconut sugar and pieces of toasted coconut for decoration
  1. To prepare the coconut syrup, combine the water, coconut milk and coconut sugar and heat gently in a skillet over medium heat. Mix well until the sugar caramelizes and small bubbles form on the surface. Let the sugar cool completely and refrigerate.
  2. Grind 2 doses of coffee with your espresso grinder #55W.
  3. Extract 2 shots of espresso coffee with your coffee machine and pick up with 1 or 2 spoons of coconut syrup.
  4. Make the milk foam with our drink mixer #54, sprinkle with the chocolate powder and coconut shavings.
  5. Ready. Drink while it’s hot!
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Espresso Macchiato Crème Brulée

  • 2 cl of crème brûlée syrup
  • 1 dose of espresso coffee
  • 5cl of milk
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  1. Pour the syrup at the bottom of the glass.
  2. Grind the coffee beans with the espresso coffee grinder #55BF.
  3. Gently pour the coffee into the glass, along the sides so that it doesn’t mix with the syrup.
  4. Make some milk foam. Add 2cl of milk by pouring it over the back of the spoon. Fill the glass with the milk foam.
  5. Sprinkle with brown sugar and caramelize with the blowtorch.
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White Chocolate Mocha

  • Coffee beans
  • 1 glass of hot milk
  • 3 tbsp. white chocolate syrup
  • Whipped cream
  • White chocolate shavings
  1. Prepare a dose of freshly ground coffee using your coffee grinder #01BAR. 
  2. Make an espresso coffee with your coffee machine.
  3. Pour the white chocolate syrup into the bottom of a large mug, add your espresso and hot milk, then mix everything together.
  4. For the topping, add whipped cream and sprinkle with a few shavings of white chocolate.
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Fresh Mint Iced Coffee

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  •  1/2 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh mint syrup
  • 3-4 ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish
  1. Prepare a dose of freshly ground coffee using your coffee grinder #01BAR. 
  2. Then, make an espresso with your coffee machine.
  3. Mix the espresso in your brushless blender #66 with 1,5 cup of milk and 3-4 ice cubes.
  4. Put 2 tablespoons of fresh mint syrup in your glass, and then put the content of the blender jar.
  5. Add some fresh mint leaves for garnish. 
  6. Enjoy!
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Bicerin coffee

  • 4 cups espresso
  • 30ml milk
  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 50ml crème fraîche
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate chips for garnish
  1. Grind 4 doses of coffee with your espresso coffee grinder #55BF.
  2. Extract 4 shots of espresso coffee with your coffee machine.
  3. In a saucepan, melt the chocolate in the milk and add the sugar.
  4. Stir and heat, then pour into a glass.
  5. Add the coffee and stir again, then cover with a layer of fresh cream.
  6. Enjoy! 
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Irish Coffee

  • 25 cl of coffee
  • 4 cl of whiskey
  • 1 tsp. powdered sugar
  • Whipped cream
  • Chocolate shavings for garnish or chocolate powder
  1. In a saucepan, heat the whiskey and sugar.
  2. Grind your coffee beans with the boutique grinder #43 set on the scale 12 - French press.
  3. Make the coffee using your coffee maker.
  4. Pour the hot whiskey into the glass, then pour the coffee over it by tilting the glass slightly and running the coffee down the glass gently so that it doesn't fall directly into the whiskey.
  5. Add whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate shavings.
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  • 2 doses of espresso coffee
  • 5cl cold milk
  • Caramel or vanilla flavored syrup
  • Crushed ice
  1. Grind 2 doses of coffee with your espresso coffee grinder #55WBC.
  2. Extract 2 shots of espresso coffee with your coffee machine.
  3. Pour the 2 shots of espresso, milk and syrup in your shaker #54 with a little crushed ice. Emulsify for about 20 seconds, then pour into a Martini glass.
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Aeropress Coffee

  • 20g coffee beans
  • 250g 80°C water


  • Scale
  • Aeropress
  • Timer
  • Coffee grinder #63
  1. Place the paper filter in the aeropress and rinse it. Drain the water.
  2. Grind the coffee beans with your coffee shop grinder #63.
  3. Place the aeropress over a cup.
  4. Pour the ground coffee into the filter, then add 50g of water (at 80°C).
  5. Stir and let pre-infuse fo 25 seconds. 
  6. Add the rest of the water in 20 seconds. 
  7. Insert the piston and push it in gently. The extraction should last approximately 1 minute. 
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Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Iced coffee

  • 1 1/2 cups cold brew coffee
  • 1–3 tsp maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


Pumpkin foam topping 

  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 tsp maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Make your iced coffee.

  1. Set your coffee grinder #04N on setting 17 (coarse grind) and grind your coffee beans.
  2. Put the ground coffee in a French press and pour cold water onto it.
  3. Stir thoroughly, cover the French press and place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
  4. Press and serve.

Make the pumpkin foam.

  1. In a frothing pitcher, combine the cold milk, maple syrup, pumpkin purée, vanilla, pumpkin spice and salt.
  2. Froth the milk until it reaches a tight whipped-cream-like foam consistency.

Assemble the drink.

  1. Fill a serving glass with ice, pour in the iced coffee, then spoon the pumpkin foam on top. Sprinkle with a pinch of extra pumpkin pie spice, if desired. Serve and enjoy immediately!
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  • Coffee beans
  • Coffee grinder #40AN
  • Espresso coffee machine
  1. Grind 7g of coffee in your coffee grinder #40AN.
  2. Press the ground coffee uniformly. 
  3. Extract the coffee with your espresso coffee machine, to obtain a 25 to 35ml shot.
  4. The extraction time should be between 20 and 30 seconds.
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Coffee with spices

  • 6 doses of ground coffee
  • 4 cloves
  • 7 peppercorns
  • 2 cardamon pods
  • 6 anise seeds
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger  
  1. Grind the spices in your coffee grinder #01P. 
  2. Sift the obtained powder .
  3. In a large salad bowl, put the ground coffee then add 2 good tsp. of the spice mixture then mix everything. 
  4. Place the spiced coffee in an airtight jar and set aside in a cool, dry place. 
  5. Make the espressos directly in the cups. 
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Santos Mocha

  • 2 espressos
  • 4 cl chocolate syrup
  • Chocolate coulis 

Coffee cream

  • 35 cl liquid cream
  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • 6 cl coffee syrup
  1. Put some chocolate syrup in your cups.
  2. Grind the coffee beans with your Santos grinder #55.
  3. Make the espressos directly in the cups.
  4. Prepare the coffee cream: mix the cream, the instant coffee and the coffee syrup. As soon as the mixture is homogeneous, pour it into the siphon. Close and add a gas cartridge. Shake vigorously.
  5. Apply your coffee cream using your siphon, then add some chocolate coulis.
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French Press coffee

  • 30g of coffee beans
  • 360g of hot water (≈90°C)


  1. Place the French press on the scale and tare (reset the weight)
  2. Heat the water in the kettle (between 88 and 92 ° C depending on the roasting of your coffee)
  3. Grind the coffee beans with your #43N coffee grinder. (Set on scale 12 - filter coffee) *
  4. Pour the coffee into the coffee maker
  5. Add 70g of water (70ml), mix with a spoon and wait 30 sec (the coffee will thus pre-brew to release all its aromas)
  6. Add the rest of the water and put the lid on.
  7. Leave to infuse for 3 min 30.
  8. Put the lid on and press
  9. Enjoy!
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Chemex Coffee

  • 30g of coffee beans
  • 500g of hot water (≈94°C)
  1. Put the filter in your Chemex, rinse with hot water and discard the water.
  2. Grind your coffee beans with your shop coffee grinder #04N (Adjusted on scale 12 – filter coffee)*
  3. Pour the 30 g of ground coffee in the filter, then pour 60 g of hot water (94 °C) to saturate the coffee grounds, stir gently and wait 40 seconds.
  4. Then, add more water slowly, in a circular motion, until it reaches the top of the Chemex. Let down the water level, then add the rest of the water until you reach 500g.
  5. Let the coffee finish to drain. The entire brewing process should take about 4 minutes.
  6. Remove the filter and pour the coffee into your cups.
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Pumpkin Spice Latte

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 25cl of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin puree
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream 
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our espresso coffee grinder
  2. Make 1 cup of espresso with your coffee machine.
  3. Pour the coffee along with the other ingredients (except whipped cream) in your blender and mix. 
  4. Pour the content of the blender jar in a cup, add whipped cream on top, and dust with cinnamon powder
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Mex Mocha

  • 2 shots of espresso coffee
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon chili powder
  • Brown sugar
  • Whipped cream for topping
  1. In a small bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.
  2. Grind coffee with your coffee grinder #63 and make 2 shots of espresso
  3. Pour in a large mug and stir in the mix of sugar, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and chili powder
  4. Add whipped cream on top and sprinkle cinnamon powder.
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Caramel Marshmallow Latte

  • 1 cup espresso
  • 1/4 cup caramel marshmallow creamer
  • 1 tablespoon caramel sauce
  • Whipped cream
  • Marshmallow
  • Chocolate Syrup
  1. Grind the coffee beans with your Santos grinder #55 and extract your shot of espresso.
  2. Pour coffee, creamer, and caramel sauce in your mug.
  3. Top with whipped cream, toasted marshmallow and chocolate syrup.
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V60 Coffee

  • 30g coffee beans
  • 500 ml water


  • Scale
  • Coffee Grinder #01BAR
  • V60 + filter
  • Kettle
  • Timer
  1. Set your grinder #01BAR on notch 35, then grind 30g of coffee beans.
  2. Put the V60 on a scale.
  3. Heat a little more than 50cl of water until it simmers (92 °C - 94 °C).
  4. Install the filter in the V60 and rinse it with hot water, then drain the water.
  5. Pour the ground coffee into the filter and equalize the level.
  6. Tare the balance (reset to 0).
  7. Start the timer and pre-infuse with 50g of water, making circular movements, without touching the edges of the filter.
  8. Wait 20 seconds then start again. Let the water level go down, then add the rest of the water until you reach 500g.
  9. The extraction must be done between 2 and 4 minutes.
  10. Remove the filter holder and stir to ventilate before serving.
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Viennese Coffee

  • 2 shots of espresso coffee
  • Whipped cream
  • Cocoa powder
  • 1 speculoos cookie

1. Grind the coffee beans with your Santos espresso grinder 55 and extract your double shot of espresso
2. Add whipped cream on top of the espresso
3. Sprinkle cocoa powder and pieces of speculoos cookie over the whipped cream

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Tiramisu Cappuccino

  •  4cl of tiramisu syrup
  • 1 espresso coffee
  • 10 cl of milk
  • Cocoa Powder 

Mascarpone cream:

  •  5cl of whole milk
  • 65 g of mascarpone 
  1. Prepare the cream: Pour the well-mixed mascarpone and milk into the siphon. Close and add a gas cartridge. Shake.
  2. Make a freshly brewed cup of coffee using our #55 automatic coffee grinder and make an espresso coffee.
  3. Make the frothed milk.
  4. Pour the syrup in the bottom of a large cup. Add the espresso, the frothed milk, then the mascarpone cream, in the center, forming a dome. Sprinkle with cocoa.
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  • 2 cups of espresso coffee
  • 20 cl of milk
  • 3 tsp sugar
  • Crushed ice
  1. Make 2 espresso coffees.
  2. Pour all the ingredients in your drink mixer #54 and blend on medium speed for about 30 seconds.
  3. Serve in a large glass and enjoy without waiting!
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Classic Iced Coffee

  • 1 cup of strong espresso coffee
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 6 ice cubes
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #01BAR. Then, make an espresso with your coffee machine.
  2. Pour the coffee in a tall glass.
  3. Add the milk and ice cubes and stir.
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Latte Caramel Macchiato

  • 1 espresso coffee
  • 25 cl of milk
  • 4cl of caramel syrup
  1. Make a freshly brewed cup of coffee using our #01BAR coffee grinder and make an espresso coffee.
  2. Make the frothed milk. 
  3. Pour the syrup in the bottom of a large cup. Add the espresso and the frothed milk.
  4. Add some caramel sauce on top.
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Nutella Coffee Latte

  • 1 cup of strong espresso coffee
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of Nutella
  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • Chocolate powder 
  • Whipped cream, optional
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #55. Then, make an espresso with the coffee machine #75.
  2. Add in your blender jar 1/2 cup of milk and 2 tablespoons of nutella. Mix them in your blender with 2-3 ice cubes.
  3. Pour the content of the blender jar in your cup. 
  4. For the topping, you can add some chocolate powder and whipped cream. 
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Maple Latte

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 1/4 cup of almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon of Maple Syrup
  • 1 pinch of ground cloves
  • 1 pinch of fresh nutmeg
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our coffee grinder #01BAR.
  2. Make an espresso with the coffee machine #75.
  3. Pour the maple syrup and the spices in a cup, then add the espresso coffee and the hot almond milk.
  4. Make the milk cream with our drink mixer #54 for the topping and add small pieces of fresh nutmeg on top of the frothed milk. 
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Gingerbread latte

  • 1 espresso coffee
  • 25 cl of hazelnut milk
  • Gingerbread syrup
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder
  • Pieces of speculoos for topping
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #55.
  2. Make an espresso with the coffee machine #75.
  3. Pour the gingerbread syrup and the cinnamon into a cup, then add the espresso coffee.
  4. Make the milk cream with our drink mixer #54 for the topping and add small pieces of speculoos on top of the frothed milk. 
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Iced Coconut Latte

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 10cl of coconut milk
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 2cl of coconut syrup
  • Coconut cuttings
  1. Make a freshly brewed cup of coffee using our #55 automatic coffee grinder and make a cup of espresso coffee.
  2. Pour the espresso, the coconut milk, the syrup and the ice cubes in your blender #62. Blend until you get a creamy drink. 
  3. Pour into a cup and add some coconut cuttings on top.
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Photo: cookiemonstercooking.com

Earl Grey Tea Latte

  • 1 Earl grey tea bag
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of hot milk
  • Vanilla syrup
  • Cinnamon sticks
  1. Prepare a cup of hot water and put the earl grey tea bag in it for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Put all the ingredients except the cinnamon sticks in your blender jar. 
  3. Pour it in your glass and add the cinnamon sticks. 
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Photo: espressooutlet.net


  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • Milk froth
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #55. Then, make an espresso with the coffee machine #75.
  2. Mix your coffee with a 1/2 cup of milk.
  3. Make the milk froth with our drink mixer #54 for the topping, then add a tablespoon of cocoa powder on the milk froth.
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Photo: momendeavors.com

Frozen Caramel Macchiato

  • 2 cups of espresso coffee
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 3-4 tbsp caramel syrup 
  • Whipped cream
  • 10 ice cubes
  • Caramel sauce
  1. Make fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #55.
  2. Make 2 espresso coffees with the coffee machine #75. 
  3. Mix your coffee with the milk, ice cubes and caramel syrup in our brushless blender #62.
  4. Pour in a cup and add whipped cream with some caramel sauce on top.
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Photo: caffheine.tk

Hazelnut Dolce Latte

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 2 cups of almond milk
  • Hazelnut syrup 
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our on-demand espresso coffee grinder #55, and make a cup of espresso coffee.
  2. Use your electric shaker #54 to make the milk froth.
  3. Put some hazelnut syrup at the bottom of your coffee cup, then pour your coffee and the milk froth on top.
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Photo: chefnini.com

Salted Caramel Latte

  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of salted caramel syrup 
  • Milk froth
  1. Make one dose of fresh ground coffee with our automatic espresso coffee grinder #55. Then, make a cup of espresso coffee with the coffee machine #75.
  2. Put 3 tablespoons of salted caramel syrup at the bottom of your cup.
  3. Pour your coffee and 2 cups of milk on the syrup.
  4. Make the milk froth with our drink mixer #54 for the topping.
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